I have been fortunate enough to be interviewed a few times, or had some press articles written about my work, listed here in the order they occurred. Sorry, reverse chronological folks! If you would like to find out more about my process, my motivation, my life, click on the links below and read up on me. Thanks!

The Writers Divine Den, PLV Radio Network
Airing October 21st-27th, I was interviewed on The Writers Divine Den with Jackie VanCampen. She asks the question, "What if you could see below the surface with the eyes of the heart?" Join us on a beautiful journey into the soul of humanity as we discover those inklings that touch our hearts. I share some heart-moving poetry and invite you to look within. We discuss our craft and purpose as writers.
Hot Springs Hot Spots Magazine
In this article, "Periscope Heart: The Revelatory Poetry of Kai Coggin" Jim Miller and Jeremy Rodgers, tap into me as a Hot Springs poet. Jim tells a bit about the poetic history of Hot Springs, my Words and Wine adult Creative Writing Classes, and dives into the pages and poems of PERISCOPE HEART. This is a special article for me, because it was circulated in Hot Springs, my home. It was so surreal walking into places aroud town and people recognizing me from the article and asking me to autograph it!
November 2014. I have gone GLOBAL. Oh my. In this interview entitled “Poetry speaks when otherwise there is silence,” London freelance journalist Emdad Rahman asks me about what is most dear to my heart; teaching the youth the importance of their voice. He asks about what inspires me to write, about my creative writing classes, how they are set-up, what motivates them, and what kind of impact I would like to make as a writer. Rahman then graciously reviews PERISCOPE HEART, after reading his personally signed copy. So grateful.
After Hurricane Harvey struck Houston, I wrote a poem for my city called "hoUSton" and it was shared by The Weather Channel. This interview came as a result of writing that meaningful poem for my hometown.
"I read it. I write it. I teach it. I breathe it." 2016 interview with NYC based magazine HocTok.
"Coggin featured at Wednesday Night Poetry; named new host." January 29, 2019. Article in the Hot Springs local paper about me featuring at WNP, and becoming the new host.
"Not just a fluke. Wednesday Night Poetry Celebrates 30 Years," February 2019. Article in the Arkansas Times about the 30th Anniversary of Wednesday Night Poetry, and me being asked to take over as the new host. This is the longest running consecutive weekly open mic poetry series in the country. It is a tremendous honor for me to bring new energy while upholding this legacy of poetry in Hot Springs.
"Reading Camp Draws to a Close," June 28 2019. My work as a Teaching Artist with Arkansas Learning Through the Arts (ALTTA) is highlighted in this article in the local newspaper.
Kai Coggin’s “Incandescent” burns brightly
Book Review of INCANDESCENT in the Arkansas Times! A good one!
"Wednesday Night Poetry Founder Kenny dies at 71," October 4, 2019. My poetry dad and dear friend, the founder of WNP, Bud Kenny passed away. I was interviewed about him and asked about how to honor his poetic legacy going forward into the future as the host of WNP. Bud, of course, died on a Wednesday. I miss him all the time, and I hope he is proud of me.
"WNP Keeps Streak Alive In-Spite of COVID-19," March 20, 2020. Well, the pandemic lockdown hit, and there was no way I would break the streak of being the longest running consecutive weekly open mic series in the county, nope not on my watch. Read how Wednesday Night Poetry went VIRTUAL.
"Wednesday Night Poetry marks its 1,626th consecutive week with a virtual open mic," March 25, 2020. Stephanie Smittle of the Arkansas Times shines a statewide light my work hosting WNP through the beginning pandemic lockdown.
Rough Cut Press ** if you only read one, read this **
This is my favorite interview I have ever been a part of-- Amanda Lezra is one of the most sincere and sensitive editors in the business. My hand found her hand through the screen, and the rest is history.
AYPD April 2020. Because of the pandemic making in-person gatherings impossible for the event, I was asked to use my virtual Wednesday Night Poetry platform to help the Arkansas State Poet Laureate Jo McDougall put on the first annual Arkansas Youth Poetry Day. Children from all over the state participated. Watch it here.
Earth Day, April 22, 2020. US Poet Laureate Joy Harjo, Jane Hirshfield, and Young People's Poet Laureate Naomi Shihab-Nye feature for Wednesday Night Poetry.
"Kai Coggin Brings People, Communities Together Through Poetry," May, 2020. The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the need for meaningful connections and conversations among individuals. AY Magazine highlighted my passion for connecting hearts through poetry.
"Here's 'THIS AMERICA' from Kai Coggin, voted Arkansas Times' Best Poet 2020," October 2020. I made a film of a powerful poem that I wrote called "This America, How Much More Can We Take?" I wanted to draw my sword before the Presidential election-- this was my sword.
Power to the Poets: Vote for Change with Kai Coggin
Zoom Virtual Feature for AILEEN CASSINETTO is an Academy of American Poets Laureate Fellow and the Poet Laureate of San Mateo County, California, the first Asian American and foreign-born poet appointed to the post.
The Idle Class, The Legacy Issue
"The Poet" March, 2021. Interview with The Idle Class, as I was named the legacy poet.
POEMoftheWEEK Poetry Reviews Interviews
Spotlight of INCANDESCENT, and showcase of three poems-- "The First Kiss I Don't Count," In Search of Salt," and "Landslide."
RADAR | GLOW | Queer Artist Feature
April 19, 2021. Dena Rod featured me at GLOW, with my Artist Statement and a my Inaugural Poem, written on the inauguration of President Biden-- "My Whole Soul Is In It."
Tinderbox Poetry Journal | Interview with Kai Coggin & Julie E. Bloemeke
January 2022. My Star Sister Julie E. Bloemeke and I were asked to feature an exchange of correspondence on Tinderbox, in which we discussed our hearts, intentions, WNP, our books, and this dream of manifesting a reading with Jane Hirshfield in Hot Springs, AR at Wednesday Night Poetry.
The Sentinel Record | Coggin Named First Poet Laureate of Hot Springs
February 1, 2023. The local newspaper announcing my Poet Laureateship, by proclamation from the Mayor.
The Sentinel Record | Internationally-acclaimed poet featured at WNP
April 5, 2023. Press release for Jane Hirshfield featuring at Wednesday Night Poetry to celebrate National Poetry Month, as my first official act as Hot Springs Poet Laureate.
December 1, 2023. Arkansas Times feature by Mary Ruth Taylor about my work in the state of Arkansas as a Teaching Artist and Community Holder of Wednesday Night Poetry, giving safe space to marginalized folks amidst backfire of the political climate.